My little show stopper.

Last month, we all headed to the doctor's office for my twenty week ultrasound.  Our technician was awesome and gave us several printouts in 3D/4D.  Our little girl (Which, yes, I had her confirm she was still a GIRL! lol) was moving SO much. . .The coffee may have helped!

It was so incredible to see this little angel moving around and just being.  She yawned!  She stuck out her tongue!  And she loves keeping her hands up by her sweet little face.

This pregnancy is very different than with RyAnne.  Being a mommy and a business owner I sometimes forget I'm pregnant.  lol  At the end of the day when I lay down in bed and begin to relax she will start to kick me.  Like, "Hey mommy! Guess what?  I'm here!!!"  :)

After Trey and I decided on her name, I think that's when it really started to hit me that in just a short time (17 weeks!) I will be a mommy to two girls!!!  I can't wait!


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