Guns + Two + Easter. . .

Now that equals ONE very interesting and fun weekend!  :)

One year ago Trey and I got crazy and opened AllStar AirSoft, LLC in Covington, Georgia.  We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.  Seriously!!!  But we both felt lead and we followed.  We have had ups and downs. . .but the ups are most certainly out-weighing the downs.  We are having a great time with this venture.  We have met so many great kids and adults!  In honor of our one year, we celebrated!

The line was out the door!!!  Our awesome regulars got there first!

This is a family run business.  My nephew's Taylor and Ethan are having fun with the crowd.

We called in to our friends at Bullritos, our favorite local restaurant.  It was unbelievaBULL!

Getting the first round started!

We raffled off over $1,000 of great prizes - Including GUNS!  And our awesome sponsor showed up with over $1,000 worth of prizes too.  Thank you Command Airsoft Technologies for your support!  The guys and gals really enjoyed it!

 The crowd went wild when Fernando & Gabriel Gordinho, owners of 
Command Airsoft Technologies, walked on the field! 

Soooo, who wants to win a prize????

My sweet hubby and his sister announcing the winner of the ICS G33.

Everyone was super pumped!

AND the winner is. . .

 What an incredible event!  God has really blessed Trey and I and we are so very grateful!  We love getting to know the players and parents and knowing that this is a safe place for children to have a great time.  I can't thank y'all enough for your support.

During our One Year Anniversary, I snuck away for a couple of hours to photograph a sweet, circus themed two year old birthday party. . .Post will be up soon!  :)

Happy Tuesday y'all!


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