Happenings and Fun Stuff You Need to Know about!

Hope everyone had the most wonderful, fun and special Christmas.  We sure did!  Like four to be exact. We celebrated our hearts out with dear friends and family and loved every minute of it!

Below is a photograph of my very good friend of twenty-two years, Linda.

And my little RyAnne!  I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this photograph I was able to catch of her while she's opening her present.  

At the moment my head feels like it's spinning.  I have so much I want to accomplish, so many new ideas that I hope I can produce into successes and many things I just want DONE at this very moment - but I know will take some time. . .I'm not that patient of a person so this is killing me!!!

I decided to take off the last two weeks of the year to spend time with my family and put some things into perspective - and this is what has come of my time off. . .

Although I have all of my goals for the year written down and they have a deadline, until today, I had yet to sit down and put them on my calendar.  When I did this and then sat back and looked at it all I realized how busy I will be.  My ultimate plan is to take over the world. . .buwhahaha!  Well, maybe one day!  But for now my goal is to take on work that will get me closer to becoming a full time wedding photographer, spend as much time with my sweet little family as I can and take back my Sundays.  I realize this will take a great deal of time, hard work and patience - please, pray that God will bless me with this!

As far as my schedule goes. . .One of my goals, that I mentioned above, is to take back my Sundays.  When the fall sessions starting booking up, quicker and in an abundance that I was not expecting, I started scheduling clients on my Sundays - my time I would normally spend at church learning more about our Savior and with my family.  I need that back so badly!!!  I know this will make my schedule a little less "open" but this is a day I need for so many things - including my sanity!!!  Before I decided this I booked a couple of things for the first few Sundays of the year.  So this will officially start in February.

On January 14th and 15th I will be at the gorgeous James Madison Inn photographing Boudoir sessions in their most exquisite room they offer - The Grand Suite!  These sessions are limited and will go fast.  Click here for the details!

And my 2012 promotion is proving to be a huge hit!  The 16GB iPad 2 is included!!!!

My schedule for the first three months of the year is booking up pretty quickly.  I will be participating in several bridal shows as a vendor to spread the word and help advertise my wedding photography business. If you are getting married in the spring and would like to schedule a wedding consultation give me a call at 770.656.0609 or shoot me an email at weddings@hollylrobbins.com and let's chat about your special day!  I would love to go ahead and put our lunch date on the schedule.


Because last year I devoted a huge chunk of my time to my clients and my business I want to make sure I'm not loosing site of who I am - a mother, a wife, a Christian.  I kinda felt like a forgot about these things and let my business take over.

I hope this helps put your goals for the 2012 year into perspective as well!
Happy Tuesday and Happy goal setting!


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